Concise Minutes - Public Accounts Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: Monday, 28 November 2016

Meeting time: 14.00 - 16.42
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:




Assembly Members:

Nick Ramsay AM (Chair)

Mohammad Asghar (Oscar) AM

Neil Hamilton AM

Neil McEvoy AM

Rhianon Passmore AM

Lee Waters AM


Jeremy Parr, Natural Resources Wales

Jean-Francois Dulong, Welsh Local Government Association

Committee Staff:

Huw Vaughan Thomas

Andy Phillips

Fay Buckle (Clerk)

Meriel Singleton (Second Clerk)

Richard Johnson (Deputy Clerk)





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1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest


1.1        The Chair welcomed Members of the Committee.

1.2        Apologies were received from Mike Hedges. There was no substitute.




2       Paper(s) to note


2.1 The minutes were agreed and the papers were noted.

2.2 Member’s agreed that the Chair will write to the Welsh Government seeking clarification of the intentions to bring forward legislation to deal with a number of the recommendations that have been rejected from the Mark’s Review. Regarding Recommendation 6, the Chair will write to HIW seeking clarification on the number of GP practice inspections they have undertaken over a certain period to enable the Committee to ascertain whether the level of funding is adequate.




2.1   Unscheduled Care: Additional information from the Welsh Government (21 November 2016)



2.2   NHS Wales Health Board’s Governance: Additional information from the Welsh Government & Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (16 November 2016)



2.3   Scrutiny of Accounts 2015-16: Additional information from the Welsh Government (21 November 2016)



3       Senior Management Pay: Welsh Government Update


3.1 Members noted the update from the Welsh Government and agreed that they were satisfied with the progress being made on the outstanding issues and that they would not seek any further updates. However, Members did request that the Committee receives a copy of the Public Services Staff Commission Report on the Transparency of Senior Pay, when published later this year




4       Coastal flood and erosion risk management in Wales: Evidence Session 1


4.1 The Committee scrutinised Jeremy Parr, Head of Flood and Operational Risk Management, Natural Resources Wales and

Jean-Francois Dulong, Flood and Water Officer, Welsh Local Government Association on coastal flood and erosion risk management in Wales.




5       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:


5.1 The motion was agreed.




6       Coastal flood and erosion risk management in Wales: Consideration of evidence received


6.1 Members discussed the evidence received.




7       Forward Work Programme Spring 2017


7.1 Members considered the draft work programme for the spring term 2017.

7.2 Members agreed the outlined work programme and also agreed to undertake a visit to the Scottish Parliament as part of the inquiry into the regulatory oversight of housing associations.




8       Scrutiny of Accounts 2015-16: Consideration of the draft report


8.1 Members considered the draft report and asked for a number of recommendations to be included.

8.2 An amended draft report will be circulated to Members for agreement.

